
Expect infrequent posts about programming, music (playing or production), youtube, maybe even cooking, or the odd rant.. or perhaps even nothing at all for months at a time. So far I have written 16 posts on here.

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Secure your online identity

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I'm seeing more and more scamming & account hacking online these days. Email 2FA & Mobile Phone 2FA is not good enough anymore, and I don't think better security should be limited to just people working in the tech industry.

South Africa on the FATF Grey List

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I don't normally complain about SA on social media / online.

Starting a YouTube channel

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I can highly recommend taking on that thing you've been scared of for ages, just do it, jump in fail, start again, try again, and look back at the journey. You won't regret it.

0 Unread emails

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For years, and I mean years, my mailbox has been bombarded with 10k, 30k, 50k+ emails. I guess it's one of those things, where you sign up for a tech blog, or medium article, or what have you, and eventually, you get overwhelmed.

Enable SSM Agent On AWS

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I'll assume we're coming from an area of 0 knowledge, in general when going through AWS blog posts / courses you'll notice you'll either use SSH or AWS...

Secure Multi Git Remote

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In this post I'll explain how to set up a local dev environment that supports multiple upstream git branches, with unique ssh keys with a twist.

Monuments Live in Cape Town!

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I had the opportunity to see these absolute legends live in Cape Town recently.

Make Jetbrains suck less

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I'm a huge Jetbrains fan, their tools are great.. but sometime you need to customise your tools just a little to get the right amount of use out of them.

House hunting induced ranting

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Before I get into it, I'd like to deviate off topic somewhat just to set the scene as it where.

Simple RxJs Broadcast Service

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The following seemed to do the trick for the time being. I'd like to improve, or add the ability to only publish to specific subscribers without having to force a property in the payload that we need to use to discriminate who the consumers should be.

Webpack Tips and Tricks

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I'll demonstrate a few cool tricks that I've learned that really isn't as obvious as it should be, which I believe any dev that using Webpack will encounter at some stage or another

Bootstrap Loader Bug

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As of Webpack 2, and some plugin updates, that go along with it, there has been an issue with bootstrap-loader.

CAGED System

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The start of my venture into the world of (music) theory we'll have a look at the **CAGED** system.

Mutation Observer

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I've started toying with the idea of doing a small CSS alterations via a Chrome extension called Stylish purely for aesthetic purposes

Thoughts on app updates...

––– views's not all bad... transparency is just key.

I'm alive!

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This is my first attempt at anything Ruby & Jekyll related, as well as "hosting" anything on github. The experience was quite... pleasant actually..